Norwich Cathedral Wedding Photography


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Jason they are beautiful!! We love them!! You’re a genius. 

Thank you thank you thank you.



I can't lie, Norwich is a heck of a drive for me. Maybe it was my own fault, driving up the night before the wedding, a Friday afternoon, M25, FML. One little salvation was I had booked into a pretty cool BnB which doubles as a cider house so, y'know, swings n roundabouts. The other little salvation was I got to photograph this pile of gorgeousness at Norwich Cathedral and Wroxham Barns the next day.

To say Norwich cathedral is a grand setting for a wedding is like saying David Attenborough loves animals. Stating the obvious much? I am always fascinated how, when couples pick venues, 99 times out of 100 they just fit. It's weird. Katie in her Caroline Castigliano number, and Mark simply owned the cathedral. Now, shooting in such a large venue is not without it's challenges, but I think I did ok :)

After the ceremony we headed to Wroxham Barns, the family business on Katie's side of the family. What greeted us inside the marquee was simply jaw dropping. A flock of origami birds suspended from the ceiling, all hand made, gave a pretty epic WOW moment when everyone walked in. The photos, no matter how hard I tried, still don't quite do it justice.

Here is Katie and Mark's day as I saw it.

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Dress - Caroline Castigliano

Shoes - Dune

Mark's Suit - Favourbrook

Make-up - Michelle Bennett

Hair - Sarah Swain

Second Photographer and all round ledge - Tara Gillen

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