Featured Weddings
A smattering of celebrations
I know that it’s very easy to show a handful of pics and say “Look what an awesome photographer I am!” Now while that might be true (humble brag) I’m sure you’d like to see that those images on the portfolio page aren’t a fluke. So here’s a few fuller collections of pics from some weddings I’ve been lucky enough to point my camera at. Plus here’s a good opportunity to have a good old gorp at other people’s weddings and maybe copy some ideas.
Urm, I mean “find some inspiration”.
Katie and Matthew
Wylds Farm near Petersfield. Festival flags. Lemoncello on tap. More confetti than you can shake a stick at. Plus a SouthAfrican BBQ (Braai) that had me putting on the pounds.
Laura and Dan
Industrial wedding venues are a bit of me. This one happens to me in a 19th century brewery. Double a bit of me.
Emma and Robin
You often hear the term “festival wedding” bandied about, but this was an actual wedding at an actual music festival. Sure, Emma and Robin created the festival themselves, but it still counts.
Sophie and Jamie
An absolute colour filled, confetti pumped, smoke hazed bonanza of a day at the incredible Hope Farm in Dorset.
Rhiannon and Antony
A hand painted wedding dress - who knew this was a thing? Well, it really is a thing, and Rhiannon and Antony didn’t stop there - brass bands, table tennis, and an international pop star guest. No biggie.