Isle of Wight Wedding Photography | Rachel and Steve

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Rachel + Steve

Alternative and Artistic Wedding Photography | The Royal Hotel | Ventnor | Isle of Wight

Isle of Wight wedding photography consists of a drive, a ferry boat, another drive and then a short stroll. I met Rachel on the morning of her wedding day at around 10 in The Royal Hotel in Ventnor. What had been promised as a bright, sun filled day was looking particularly overcast, the views out to sea showing a slight glimmer of light trying to break through the grey. Rachel did not seem to mind one bit though. A quiet excitement was brewing. At some weddings I shoot, bridal prep can be quite manic, bridesmaids tripping over each other and what not. This was slightly different. With Rachel were simply her mum and grandma along with her make-up artist Jo and hair stylist Iain. From time to time others popped in to say hi but on the whole it was a nice, chilled affair.Rachel absolutely owned her Augusta Jones dress. It was one of those days where the light and the bride just fit perfectly. I was loving life. I caught up with Steve and the guys downstairs for a few minutes before heading back upstairs to capture Rachel applying the finishing touches. As usual I headed off for the church slightly before the bride so I am there ready when she arrives. This time was slightly different - Rachel upon arrival told me that she had forgotten her bouquet. Eeeep! Knowing I was parked very close by (and Rachels Humber Hawk bridal car not being the quickest) I shot off back to the hotel, grabbed the bouquet and raced back to the church, in effect, saving the day (or at least I like to think so).[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type="1_2"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text" background_layout="light" text_orientation="left" use_border_color="off" border_color="#ffffff" border_style="solid"]

The wedding ceremony took place at the Parish Church of St Boniface, also in Ventnor. A beautiful old church with a quaint little drive up to it. Ceremony done it was off for some portraits. Rachel and Steve had scouted out a few places they would like pictures taken overlooking Ventnor seafront which was just ace, a couple who had thought ahead and also allowed me to put my own little spin on it. These guys are the prefect couple to photograph. Comfortable, relaxed, and obviously value their photography (check out their pre-wed shoot here to see more of what I mean).After this the standard meal/speeches/first dance/party, although each wedding I shoot at these events are never "standard". The love these guys showed, the heartfelt speeches made, the friends and family gathered you can tell they are on to a winner. They run their own little empire (ice-creams and artisan fudge - check it out) and seem to have got life sussed. I love these guys so much and being able to photograph their wedding was an absolute privilege. I'm sure we'll be friends for life.In Steve's speech he mentioned a quote from B-movie legend Bruce Campbell, so it's only fitting I do also to say good-bye-"Catch ya on the flip-flop, good buddy."
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