2015 - A Look Back

It's impossible not to look back. It's often a good thing to reflect on where you've been, what you've experienced and hopefully learned along the way. When I reflect on 2015 my overriding feeling is that of how fortunate I am. The things I have done and seen this year make me indeed very very lucky.I have had the privilege of photographing some awesome people. Weddings, friends, babies, the list goes on. Each shoot I have done has taught me something and I hope I have progressed and am staring to really find my "style" (if there is such a thing). I've travelled a little this year also with the camera in tow and really seen some sights (Lisbon and Vietnam in the main) which has made me think - why do we see the foreign as amazing and unique and unusual? Maybe the things around us we see everyday are just as awesome, we have just become numb to them? I read a piece by David Bailey where he comments "As soon as I get off the plane in India I start shooting right away. Over time the things which jump out at us become common and diluted". I think for 2016 I'm going to try and apply this to everything and try to see the awesome in the mundane once again.2015 ended with blow. My Nan sadly passed away on boxing day after a short illness. It will feel so strange not having her around the corner any more. One lesson we all learn in time is family is the most precious thing there is, it to be cherished and never taken for granted.2016 is upon us now. I have some cracking weddings lined up, and I hope to spend more time on my business and just taking pictures. I don't ask for much in life.Have a great 2016 people.