Southsea Portrait Photography

Southsea Portrait Photography

First of all, I love photographing couples. As it's kind of my job (and I'm very fortunate to be able to say that) I guess that's a good thing, however precisely because it's my job I have to be mindful to not treat it as such. A job can be something we do simply because we have to, after all it pays the bills. To step out of the idea that shooting for a living is a job is something I feel strongly about, however there is always the thought that if a client is paying me, I have to be mindful of what I'm providing which in itself can be restricting somewhat.To push out from this idea, I put out a post on Facebook asking for couples. No charge, no agenda, just to turn up and have their pictures taken.Here is Amie and Simon, and Anna and Pete.beach photographybeach photographybeach photographybeach photographybeach photographybeach photographybeach photographybeach photographybeach photographybeach photographybeach photographybeach photographybeach photography