Stylish Micro Wedding at Portsmouth Registry Office
Claire and Giles quite simply wanted to be married. The dreaded C word had put their original wedding plans in a pickle, but they would not be defeated. When they got in touch and said “We’re doing it anyway. Portsmouth Registry Office. Are you available?” I’m pretty glad I was.
And so it was that I headed to Portsmouth on this cold, rainy day in December. Claire obviously dressed for the weather - a short dress of course. She looked amazing! Why aren’t short wedding dresses more of a thing? I’ve shot like a million weddings and I think this was the first with a short dress.
Naturally, due to Covid, guest numbers were limited. Likewise, my time was limited. Due to the nature of their plans I would only be spending a short amount of time with them. We had a plan in place to head to Southsea sea front for some pics. When I looked at the weather I thought “hmmm, this could be interesting”. Claire and Giles were totally up for it though. They didn’t care about the cold, or the rain. They embraced everything that nature could throw at them. Honestly these images are some of my proudest - I had to work hard, and be brave, and the couple were equally so. It all came together.
Claire and Giles, you rock.