A Prelude To 2020
2019, I Thank You
And just like that, it’s this time of year again. The food. The family. The chaos. And along with it that sense of optimism for the new year ahead, and reflection of the one just past. On reflection, 2019 will take some beating.
A couple of tiny little events took centre stage this year. We had a 2nd little boy, Felix, and we moved house. Needless to say, this past year has been insane. I don’t think that while you’re in the midst of such bedlam that you really have time to process it until you come out the other side. We spent the first 6 months of the year living with boxes dotted everywhere whilst tidying incessantly trying desperately to sell the house we’d outgrown, all the while welcoming little Felix into the world and trying to maintain some sense of a grip on the business side of life. It got crazy. But, come June we’d moved into our new place and we felt we could breathe again. Just the small matter of now having 2 kids to try to keep alive and attempting to fit in all of the decorating and the general day to day life stuff. No biggie. We got this.
When it comes to the work side of things though, this year has been perfection. Amazing couples, incredible locations (from Hampshire to Santorini via London, Suffolk, Devon and the Isle of Wight), and heartfelt connections everywhere. I felt this year I really grew into my style and started to really understand who I was and how I wanted to work. With a new website that just recently launched which hopefully reflects that, I am looking at everything past as a prelude to 2020. It’s already looking to be my busiest year, so any Christmas engagements out there, you better get in touch quick and let’s get a conversation started.
2019. What’s past is prologue.