Kingsettle Stud Wedding Photography

Kitty and Niek

Kingsettle Stud Wedding Photography Kitty Niek_0078.jpg

I feel like I’ve been absolutely snowed under with things I want to do - blogs, website tweaks, shooting more video, the list goes on and on and on. One thing that has been a side bonus of this is I keep stumbling on and reliving weddings from last year and remembering that “holy cow, what a day this was!” And such it is for Kitty and Niek’s day at the quite stunning Kingsettle Stud in Hampshire. As wedding venues go, Kingsettle Stud is of the "do what you like” variety. In essence, Kitty and Niek were able to quite literally do what they wanted to create their perfect day, so when they said “we think the overgrown rose garden would make the perfect place for our ceremony”, the team at Kingsettle simply said “go for it”. And what a sight they created.

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Bride greets her ring bearer dog at Kingsettle Stud wedding venue

Kitty and Niek were already married. Living in the Netherlands, they had a small wedding ceremony there so they were legally married. But as a huge number of their friends and family live in the UK they wanted a day here to really celebrate. They spent the morning getting ready together and then walked through the beautiful natural grounds to the rose garden which they had transformed into a secret garden of colour and beauty. Their ceremony, conducted by Kitty’s brother was truly heartfelt and full of laughter and a few tears, before it was over to the meadow and what can only be described as a shed-turned-bar for a few drinks and mingling. As a gift to Kitty and Niek, their family and friends had bought a paint by numbers canvas of a photo from their wedding in Holland and everyone was encouraged to get stuck in. It was such a cool touch.

After that we headed back to the main building for food, speeches, and dancing. Kitty and Niek entertained the crowd by singing a song together at which I had to applaud their bravery, and we then simply danced some more, hugged, and I said my goodbyes.

Kingsettle Stud is some place. If you’re on the lookout for a wedding venue in Hampshire which you can really put your own stamp on, you can’t go wrong here. Although you’ll have to go some way to top what Kitty and Niek created.

Here’s Kitty and Niek’s day as I saw it.


Shout Outs

Dress - Caroline Castigliano
Flowers - With Wild Abandon
Suits - Suit Supply
Band - The Bandits
Big shout out to Chris Pavey of Toast Films who filmed the day. Go check out his stuff. It’s hella good.

Jason Williams